Sensors Toolbox Mod APK v1.8.01 (Premium desbloquejat) Descàrrega gratuita

Sensors Toolbox MOD APK
NomSensors Toolbox MOD APK
Última versióv1.8.01
Mod FeaturePremium desbloquejat
Google PlayID

Sensors Toolbox Mod APK (Premium desbloquejat) – Test all Sensors in your cell phone. Sensor Box is without a doubt the across the board indicative instrument that tells you practically everything about your cell phone status. Get full data pretty much all sensors upheld by your tablet, cell phone or wearable gadget. View in agreeable design all information from your cell phone sensors progressively, make a sensors tests. Really look at information on diagram (realistic view) and text yield accessible for every sensor and really take a look at a definite portrayal of every locators and boundaries.

All multi apparatuses and sensors gadget you really want in one application: altimeter, metal finder, NFC peruser, compass, thermometer, step counter, sport tracker and significantly more.

This sensors tool compartment application gives you admittance to information from:

  • accelerometer readings (straight speed increase and gravity sensors)
  • spinner (aligned and uncalibrated)
  • gadget 3D direction
  • nearness sensor
  • step identifier and counter, energy sensors
  • huge movement
  • pivot vector sensors
  • other movement and position sensors
  • light sensor (lux, lx)
  • magnetometer, surrounding attractive field values strength (miniature Tesla, µT)
  • indicator, pressure sensor
  • relative dampness sensor
  • temperature sensor
  • area, precision, elevation, guides, speed and GPS NMEA information (scope, longitude, supplier, satelites)
  • battery status, voltage, temperature, wellbeing and innovation
  • sound level meter and receiver meter (decibel)
  • pulse sensor
  • NFC sensor and peruser
  • gadget front and back camera goal
  • gadget, telephone memory, Smash and central processor boundaries
    what’s more, others sensors accessible in your cell phone.

With this sensors multitool application you can check what sort of sensors contain your gadget and test all of this. It upholds every one of the sensors an android gadget and you can check a great deal of information from sensors upheld by your equipment.

Feature Of Sensors Toolbox Mod APK

  • Diners il·limitats
  • Totes les funcions Premium desbloquejades
  • Pro desbloquejat
  • No hi ha anuncis
  • Tot il·limitat


  • reparació d'errors

Com instal · lar ?

  1. Sensors Toolbox MOD APK” es pot descarregar.
  2. Sense utilitzar WiFi ni internet, instal·lar Descarregar Apk.
  3. Completeu el procediment d'instal·lació obrint l'instal·lador.
  4. Al teu dispositiu Android, deixa que s'acabi d'instal·lar.
  5. Obteniu recursos il·limitats gratuïts llançant l'aplicació MOD APK.

Felicitats! Ara que heu instal·lat el Sensors Toolbox Mod al teu dispositiu Android, you can hack the game and have fun playing it. Baixeu el mod només seguint el procediment anterior & Gaudeix perquè té característiques realment sorprenents.

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