Pug My Virtual Pet Dog MOD APK (unbegrenztes Geld) v1.29 Download Android

Download Pug My Virtual Pet Dog Mod Apk (unbegrenztes Geld)
Apo-NamePug My Virtual Pet Dog
Letzte Versionv1.29
HerausgeberFrojo Apps
Mach es an

Pug My Virtual Pet Dog Mod Apk (unbegrenztes Geld)is a Tamagotchi-style project in which gamers are given a lovely and amusing pug to keep on their mobile devices. As you go through natural matters and needs, you must train and nurture him, monitor his health and hunger, choose beautiful wardrobe details, participate in countless mini-games with him, and explore the world around him.

Features of Pug My Virtual Pet Dog Apk

  • * Mehrspieler: Play in real time with up to four friends!
  • * Platform Game: An all-in-one pet platform game!
  • * Mini-games: earn money by playing one of the 50 mini-games!
  • * Lifelike emotions: Depending on how you treat your pug, he will get joyful, drowsy, or sad.
  • * Grooming: Look after your pug by feeding, grooming, playing with him, and putting him to sleep when he’s sleepy.
  • * Customize: Choose from over 1,000,000 combinations of gowns, shirts, hats, beards, and spectacles to create your own look.
  • * Create: Design your perfect home by selecting wallpaper, furniture, and accessories.

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