Crafty Lands MOD APK v3.2.0 (Disponibilità finanziaria illimitata) Scarica gratis su Android

Crafty Lands MOD APK (Disponibilità finanziaria illimitata) Scarica gratis su Android
Nome dell'applicazione Crafty Lands
Ultima versione v3.2.0
Misurare 76MB
Generi Simulazione
Editore Afterverse
Mettiti al lavoro
Supporto Android 4.4 +
Informazioni sulla modalità Unlocked Heroes, Spear,
Disponibilità finanziaria illimitata,
Gemme, Diamanti,
multiplayer code
Prezzo Gratuito

Crafty Lands MOD APK (Disponibilità finanziaria illimitata, Gemme, Diamanti, Sbloccato) – A sandbox open world, blocky graphics, and a third-party camera view. In it, the player will be able to explore vast locations and construct a variety of items and objects out of coloured blocks. First, he must create characters with distinct appearances, the hands of the hero, and various houses, castles, and entire cities. In addition to construction, you can make craft items that are scattered throughout the territory and have some value.

Create new lands to explore and have fun by crafting and building new block worlds! Create and explore vast worlds! Create and build new lands at your leisure, and explore new realms teeming with epic block-based structures and entertaining characters to interact with! Explore epic worlds that you can shape and build however you want! Experience thrilling adventures as you explore and discover new places in vast lands brimming with incredible creative possibilities! Dive into a whole new crafting universe and create your own adventures and stories in this game designed specifically for creative kids! Build anything you can think of in expansive and fully explorable sandbox worlds! Create houses, castles, fortresses, villages, and even an entire city or town.

  • Explore gigantic worlds full of amazing structures and freely fly throughout realms and territories! There isn’t a structure you can’t climb to the top of!
  • ANYTHING may be built and crafted!
  • Build your own home, castle, hamlet, or city. Allow your imagination to run wild!
  • Play with a simple interface and quickly create your dreams!
  • Interact with a variety of entertaining block characters, as well as animals and pets!
  • Create your own adventures and stories while exploring a variety of sandbox environments!
  • Play freely with a variety of blocks and cubes, arranging them however and anywhere you like!
  • Explore, create, make, and construct using a variety of tools!
  • Use your imagination to create your own lands and realms by combining your construction talents with simple and enjoyable building mechanics.
  • Enjoy limitless hours of entertainment for children as well as any creative and crafty brains!

Compatibile con Android – (4.1 e su)Panino gelato (4.0 – 4.0.4), Jelly Bean (4.1 – 4.3.1), KitKat (4.4 – 4.4.4), Lecca-lecca (5.0 – 5.1.1), Marshmallow (6.0 – 6.0.1), Torrone (7.0 – 7.1.1), Oreo (8.0-8.1) (Pie – 9.0)

Feature Of Crafty Lands Mod Apk

  • Disponibilità finanziaria illimitata
  • Hai sbloccato tutte le funzionalità Premium
  • Monete illimitate
  • Hai sbloccato tutti i livelli
  • Nessuna pubblicità
  • Tutto illimitato


  • correzioni di bug
Come installare ?
  1. “Crafty Lands MOD APK” can be downloaded.
  2. Senza utilizzare WiFi o Internet, installa Scarica Apk.
  3. Completare la procedura di installazione aprendo il programma di installazione.
  4. Nel tuo dispositivo Android, lascia che finisca l'installazione.
  5. Ottieni risorse illimitate gratuite avviando l'app MOD APK.

Congratulazioni! Ora che hai installato il Crafty Lands Mod sul tuo dispositivo Android, puoi hackerare il gioco e divertirti a giocarci. Scarica la Mod solo seguendo la procedura sopra descritta & Divertitevi perché ha caratteristiche davvero sorprendenti.

Parole finali

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