Design KeyboardFonts, Emoji Mod Apk v8.6.0 Premium, პრო განბლოკილია

Design Keyboard
  • ფასი: უფასო
  • დამატებული თარიღი: February 11, 2024
  • მოითხოვს Android: 5.0+
  • რეიტინგული ამისთვის: ყველა ასაკის
  • დეველოპერი: Design Keyboard
  • ზომა: 40.9 მბ
  • კატეგორია: Tools

Design KeyboardFonts, Emoji Mod Apk Premium, პრო განბლოკილია – Revolutionize your typing experience with Design Keyboard – the ultimate keyboard app that goes beyond the ordinary, offering Fonts, Emoji, თემები, GIFs, and Photo customization. Elevate your communication style by creating a one-of-a-kind keyboard that perfectly reflects your personality and preferences.

Unleash Your Creativity:
Design Keyboard is your canvas to express yourself with Fonts, Emoji, თემები, GIFs, and personalized Photo backgrounds. Dive into a world of limitless possibilities and transform your keyboard into a unique masterpiece.

Photo Themes Galore:
Instantly apply captivating photo themes with a vast library at your fingertips. Whether you’re into puppies, kittens, elegance, beautiful landscapes, characters, simplicity, or space, Design Keyboard has a theme for every mood and style.

Designer-Crafted Themes:
Explore professionally designed themes created by talented designers. From the sleek iPhone Theme to the dazzling Sparkle Theme and the delightful Mukbang Theme, choose the perfect backdrop for your virtual keyboard.

Customizable Fonts:
Give your keyboard a personalized touch by changing fonts. With a variety of keyboard fonts to choose from, you can truly make your typing experience uniquely yours.

Cute Emoji and Text Emoticons:
Express yourself with a plethora of cute emojis and text emoticons. Whether you’re conveying emotions, actions, hearts, animals, or food preferences, Design Keyboard has an extensive collection to make your conversations more vibrant.

Smart Features for Effortless Typing:
Design Keyboard offers an array of smart features to enhance your typing experience. Enjoy gesture typing, word recommendation, and the convenience of a built-in calculator for quick calculations during conversations.

Multilingual Support:
Break language barriers effortlessly with Design Keyboard’s support for gesture typing and word recommendation in various languages. Engage in smoother conversations with friends around the world in Russian, Korean, Chinese (Traditional & Simplified), Indonesian, Malaysian, English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese, Turkish, Arabic, and Vietnamese.

Additional Input Methods:
Explore various input methods beyond traditional typing, including voice input, handwriting, AutoText/Clipboard Input, and Hanja input.

Calculator Feature:
Simplify calculations during conversations by using the built-in calculator feature. Calculate expenses, split bills, and more directly within the keyboard and seamlessly share the results.

Privacy Assurance:
Rest easy knowing that Design Keyboard only requests necessary permissions to enhance your experience. Your granted permissions are solely used for the specified purposes mentioned in the notice, ensuring your privacy and security.

Download Design Keyboard Now:
Elevate your keyboard experience by downloading Design Keyboard on the Play Store. Unleash your creativity, communicate effortlessly, and enjoy a keyboard tailored to your unique style.

Transform Your Typing Experience

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<span class ="tr_" id="tr_106" data-source="" data-orig="Back Button Example">Back Button Example</span>
დაბრუნება მთავარ გვერდზე
<span class ="tr_" id="tr_107" data-source="" data-orig="Back Button Example">Back Button Example</span>
აპებზე დაბრუნება
<span class ="tr_" id="tr_108" data-source="" data-orig="Back Button Example">Back Button Example</span>
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