Blue Light Filter & Night Mode Mod Apk v4.13.0 PRO Free Download

Blue Light Filter & Night Mode Mod Apk PRO
  • Գին: Վճարված
  • Ավելացված ամսաթիվ: December 13, 2023
  • Պահանջվում է Android: 4.4+
  • Գնահատված համար: Բոլոր տարիքի
  • Մշակող: Better LifeHealth Apps
  • Չափը: 3.2 ՄԲ
  • Կարգավիճակ: Health & Fitness

Blue Light Filter & Night Mode Mod Apk PRO unlocked💤 Eyeshield Pro: Your Nighttime Eye Protector 💤

When night falls, it’s time to safeguard your eyes for a restful slumber. Eyeshield Pro isn’t just a standard blue light filter; it’s your ultimate solution for a night mode that not only enhances your sleep but also alleviates headaches and protects your eyes from screen strain. Embrace a healthier screen experience with absolutely no negative effects! 🌙

Are you aware of the risks? Neglecting eye care during prolonged screen use could potentially lead to glaucoma, damaging the optic nerve crucial for maintaining good eye health and vision. Լրացուցիչ, excessive device usage without a proper screen dimmer might lead to cataracts. This night filter is your pocket-sized eye protector! 🌚

The Ultimate Solution: Dark Mode for Eye Health

Combat these eye health concerns with our one-stop solution: a dimly lit dark mode for your screen. 🌆 The night shift offered by Eyeshield Pro will simplify your life and earn appreciation from your eyes. 🤓 Say goodbye to the hassle of using your device in the dark; our suitable light flux ensures a comfortable experience. 😴 Prioritize your health with our night filter starting now! 🌙

Features to Enhance Your Nighttime Screen Experience:

📱 Premade Filters: Utilize our free premade blue light filter to gently light up your screen and shield your eyes from the harsh night brightness.

💾 Customizable Filters: Craft your personalized dark filter with our editing options for an unlimited number of blue light filters.

🌚 Dimming Below System Minimum: Ease headaches or insomnia with a softly illuminated screen, ensuring your eyes receive proper care.

🌡 Temperature Customization: Set the perfect temperature and intensity for your night screen comfort.

🌈 Color Customization: Explore a variety of color options and intensities to create multiple night shift filters. Don’t let the night light hinder you and your device!

📊 RGB Customization: Adjust the red, green, or blue color amounts in your filter and determine the desired screen dimness.

Automatic Filter Schedule: Define when your night mode activates and deactivates for a seamless experience tailored to your preferences.

🚹 Accessibility Service: Enable notification and lock screen filtering without collecting or sharing user data.

Discover a whole new world within this dark mode and indulge in reading, gaming, or catching up on news without worrying about eye strain. Bid farewell to eye discomfort and health concerns with the perfect light flux. Embrace the night light and let Eyeshield Pro guard your eyes against headaches. Start using this night mode as your screen brightness protector today, and your eyes will thank you for choosing this blue light filter.

👁️ Experience Eye Comfort: Բեռնել Eyeshield Pro on Google Play and relish in a night of better sleep and healthier screen usage!

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