Repair System for Android Operating System Problem PRO APK v36.0 MOD Download

Repair System for Android Operating System Problem Pro APK
應用名稱Repair System for Android Operating System
大小24Mb (兆字節)
發行人Device system
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About Repair System for Android Operating System Problem Pro APK

Repairing the Android Operating System Troubleshoot OS Issues This programme will quickly cure many difficulties you may have with your phone, such as app crashing and app stopped working, by checking your entire system and fixing any flaws, so you can have a stable and fast system. Also, check your RAM for mistakes; this will boost your RAM and clean, in fact, the system speed throttle (fix Android problems) Main Characteristics: Clean Master for Android is a small application with a lot of useful functions. You can, for example, erase the cache on your phone and wipe the RAM. You can also go through old video and multimedia files, keep the ones you need, and delete the rest.

Features of Repair System for Android Operating System Pro Apk

  • RAM Cleaner (RAM) closes unnecessary applications and tasks, resulting in a faster phone and more RAM.
  • Cache Cleaner and Junk Cleaner to free up space on your computer.
  • By cleaning RAM, you can free up memory and make your phone run faster.
  • By killing programmes that deplete the battery when not in use, you may identify and eliminate garbage, APK, and residual files.
  • A CPU cooler to keep the temperature of your phone in check.



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